Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What's the big deal with the Twilight Books???

I have just finished reading the second in the Twilight series of books, New Moon. I struggled to get through Twilight because I just couldn't stand the "cheesey" writing. The way Edward and Bella interact is just so, well...too much. This is just my opinion here, so no one be angry with me, but I don't quite get the "Twilight Phenomenon." I actually enjoyed New Moon better because Edward was out of the picture for a good part of the book. The relationship between Bella and Jacob isn't quite as out there, but really, what teenage boy kisses a teenage girl on her forehead and then her nose, and then the top of her head? Really?! That's what a mom might do to her little child, but, a teenage boy to a teenage girl??? Whenever I get to those "cheesey" parts I text message them to Benj and he always gets a good laugh. He too agrees that that is not what normal teenage boys act like. It makes them almost girly, or motherly, I think. To me a good read was the Harry Potter series. Now that was good reading! No mushy, gushy, over the top cheesey stuff, just good entertaining writing that truly kept you excited to read! The characters, even though wizards, acted the way "normal" people do. Not drooling all over each other like in Twilight, "He touched the tip of her nose and then kissed the top of her head" kind of stuff. Just my two cents. No offense intended towards those who love the books, I just don't quite get what the hubba balloo is all about.


2Again Now said...

Your blog is cute Becky!! If you send me your email address I can send you an invite to mine. :o)

*A* said...

I know what you mean...I'm still in the middle of the 3rd book and have no desire to read the rest or the 4th book that lies in my night stand...I guess everyone views romance differently huh? By the way I bought cabbage and I don't know how to make it like you did that one night for you think you could help me out?! Thanks:-)

snakeriverwalton said...

hooray- I'm so glad that someone else doesn't like them. Whatever you do, don't see the movie. It is so terribly dumb.